Food feast at home
“Sagra” is a traditional food festival held across Italy all year around. The typical products of each region, with their times of maturation and harvesting, are the reasons that determine the seasons and manner of celebration. The food, though simple, is made by local people usually the women of the towns and villages – who love to cook and who want to show off their passion for the local cuisine. The men provide local wines. The festive atmosphere is enhanced by music and dancing. Attending a Sagra is a good way to get a taste of Italian country life. You order food and sit at communal tables to eat. It is a charming and authentic side of Italy that tourists rarely see.
I founded Sagra in Casa, meaning “food feast in your home” because I wanted to share my passion for quality, regional Italian cooking and wines. My name is Simona I am a Private Chef, Cookery Tutor and Sommelier who lives and works in Umbria, Italy.
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Follow Me You can keep up to date with Sagraincasa by using the links below or go to the Social Media page for my Facebook ‘live’ feed and other links.
Sagraincasa di Simona Fabrizio Voc. S. Isidoro N. 59, 05011 Allerona (TR) ITALY P.IVA 01567770555 C.F. FBRSMN72B41H501K Mobile +39 3382949961 Email
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Food feast at home
“Sagra” is a traditional food festival held across Italy all year around. The typical products of each region, with their times of maturation and harvesting, are the reasons that determine the seasons and manner of celebration. The food, though simple, is made by local people usually the women of the towns and villages who love to cook and who want to show off their passion for the local cuisine. The men provide local wines. The festive atmosphere is enhanced by music and dancing. Attending a Sagra is a good way to get a taste of Italian country life. You order food and sit at communal tables to eat. It is a charming and authentic side of Italy that tourists rarely see. I founded Sagra in Casa, meaning “food feast in your home” because I wanted to share my passion for quality, regional Italian cooking and wines. My name is Simona I am a Private Chef, Cookery Tutor and Sommelier who lives and works in Umbria, Italy.
Follow Me You can keep up to date with Sagraincasa by using the links below or go to the Social Media page for my Facebook ‘live’ feed and other links.
Sagraincasa di Simona Fabrizio Voc. S. Isidoro N. 59, 05011 Allerona (TR) ITALY P.IVA 01567770555 C.F. FBRSMN72B41H501K Mobile +39 3382949961 Email
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